Learn more about the PointGuard Platform from our Chief Engineer and our CEO/Founder.

PointGuard helps facility managers find profit, energy savings, and transparency in increasingly complex building portfolios. We solve two problems – one at the building level and one at the enterprise level.

At the building level, we find value that does not waste time. We turbocharge retro-commissioning changing it from: expensive to affordable, one-ff to scalable, episodic to continuous, time consuming to fast and focused. PointGuard increases the known value of traditional retro-commissioning, by doing the heavy lifting of monitoring massive amounts of BMS data at all times, turning it into monitoring-based commissioning.

At the enterprise-level, the PointGuard Platform helps facility teams with decreasing resources manage increasingly complex buildings across their portfolio. Buildings are increasingly complicated – especially mechanical systems, while there is a decrease in the labor, time and training available to facility organizations, our software solves this problem. In addition, we provide much needed real time transparency to equipment performance in buildings for better decision making for maintenance and capital budgets.